StarWars-IRC Network Charter

A good portion of this document is almost a verbatim copy of the AfterNet IRC Network Charter. By using this document we are in no way, shape or form attempting to remove credit from the original authors. We simply agree with many of their policies and find it convenient to use them as ours.


Terms used in this document:

Network Representative refers to anyone with a local o: line and above.

Network Official refers to someone with a global O: line and above.


Local Operator refers to someone with a local O: line.

IRC Operator refers to someone with a global O: line

Server Co-Admin refers to the appointed Co-Admin of a particular server.

Server Admin refers to the "owner" of a particular server.

Network Administrator refers to people with the N flag in their O: line


Network Founder refers to Jeff Turkstra, known as Luke on IRC.

Services Root Admin refers to the Network Founder.



I.   Servers and Administrators
II.  Users
Network Representatives
IV. Services
 Modifications to StarWars-IRC Policies

VI. Standard Voting Procedure for Network Officials

VII. Standard Voting Procedure for Network Administrators

VIII. Official Network Channels


I.   Servers and Administrators

  1. Any server engaged in a server-to-server connection to StarWars-IRC shall have no more than one (1) Server Administrator who shall be responsible for the following:
    1. The Server Administrator must ensure that all configuration lines are in accordance with StarWars-IRC requirements.
    2. The Server Administrator must spend a reasonable amount of time available for real-time communications in the event that modifications to the server configuration are necessary.
      1. In the event that a period of time is anticipated where the Server Administrator will not be available to maintain a server, an Acting Administrator shall be appointed by the Server Administrator and be given as much access to the IRCd as can be allowed by the Host Machine Administrator.
    3. The Server Administrator shall have all of the responsibilities of a Network Official as outlined in Section III.
  2. Server Administrators have the right to set local rules for their server only, provided such rules are not in contravention with this document.
  3. Server Administrators may select one (1) Server Co-Admin to assist them in their duties.
    1. This individual is selected by personal choice and does not require a vote.
    2. If the Co-Admin is found to be abusive, or in the opinion of the staff not fit to serve as a Co-Admin a vote may be called to have him removed, in which case a majority of the Network Officials or Network Administrators is required.
  4. Server Administrators may select additional IRC Operators to assist them in their duties. Notification must be given to all Network Officials of the new IRC Operator. (See Section III: Network Representatives.)
    1. Any other StarWars-IRC Network Official may call for a vote on any newly added IRC Operator within 72 hours of their appointment. If this should not happen, the resulting vote will be to approve the IRC Operator, not to remove him. If the vote is called and 40% of Network Officials or Network Administrators vote against the new IRC Operator, the appointment will be barred.
    2. Either the Server Administrator of that server, a majority vote of Network Officials, or a majority vote of Network Administrators can remove IRC Operators.
    3. The total number of IRC Operators on a server may not exceed Four (4) unless specifically allowed by a majority vote of Network Officials or Network Administrators.
  5. Any server engaged or engaging in a connection to StarWars-IRC shall be deemed to be either a Test Link, or a Permanent Server (also called "permlink"). When unspecified within this document, the term server shall encompass both types.
    1. Servers requesting connection to StarWars-IRC are required to undergo a period of evaluation under which the server shall be considered a Test Link.
    2. Test Link Servers shall only be allowed to connect if they meet the following requirements, subject to the overriding authority of a majority vote of Network Officials or Network Administrators.
      1. DSL connection speed or greater.
      2. Ability to run, and for *nix based-OS's compile, Unreal IRCd in a stable environment.
      3. Reasonable amount of memory and processing speed. (as determined by the Network Official(s) assessing the link application.)
      4. The administrator of the server MUST have agreed to abide by this charter and by all other documents regulating StarWars-IRC.
    3. Test Link servers shall be evaluated for the following criteria, and voted upon when the Routing Committee feels enough observation has been made.
      1. Quality of Operator assistance
      2. Quantity of users contributed by that server.
      3. Bandwidth
      4. Area of coverage
    4. Test Links are required to obey the following stipulations at all times until such time as StarWars-IRC feels that it is appropriate to alter their status.
      1. Use of Operator privileges on services (See Section IV) is strictly prohibited without prior permission from an administrator of the service in question, and only then under the conditions given by that administrator.
      2. Forced disconnection of users (KILL) shall not be used on clients of other servers except in the in the absence of any Permanent Server Network Representative on the server to which the user targeted for disconnection is located. KILL may never be used in such a way that it violates the rights of users outlined in section II.
      3. Use of SQUIT command, and other forced rerouting of servers shall not be performed unless serious problems are being caused which could be averted through this procedure and only then if no Permanent Server Network Official is available for assistance.
  6. Permanent Servers are responsible for having the necessary configuration to connect to all StarWars-IRC servers. Server Administrators are responsible to see that all C/N/H/U lines are up to date in the event that Network Officials are required to reroute servers to compensate for Internet traffic difficulty.
    1. All Permanent Servers are required to have an O: line for the Network Founder. This O: line will be available on, and may not be modified or removed at any time.


II.   Users

  1. Users shall be guaranteed the following rights, provided they do not commit any infraction to this charter.
    1. The right to connect to a StarWars-IRC server.
      1. This shall not prevent a Network Representative from banning a user from a server, not the entire network, if that user has committed an infraction of local server rules.
    2. The right to privacy from any unwanted observation.
      1. The distribution of personal or private information about any other user or Network Official without their express prior consent shall be considered a severe breach of users rights and is not permissible.
    3. The right to use and register any available nickname, within the limits allowed by IRCd configurations.
      1. This rule does not apply in the event that a nickname is being used to circumvent any other part of this charter, especially Section 2.1.2.
      2. A list of unacceptable nicks will be generated sometime in the near future. These nicks will be required to have Q lines on all servers.
    4. The right to service and assistance from StarWars-IRC staff members for StarWars-IRC related issues or problems.
      1. Users are not guaranteed service from any particular staff member. A staff member has the right to ignore or disregard any particular user for any reason, and as such is not required to grant service or assistance on demand. (See Section III: Network Representatives) This does not exempt Network Officials from being required to assist users in general, and in the event that such a practice is suspected, the full body of Network Administrators shall hold an investigation of the matter.
      2. Users can obtain help from Network Officials in the Help Channel, #StarWars-IRC, the location of which must be posted in a public and conspicuous manner. Servers shall announce the Help Channel within the MOTD.
    5. The right to establish any channel not established already and to control the channel as they wish free from any interference from StarWars-IRC or its staff.
    6. The right to lodge any kind of comment or complaint with StarWars-IRC or its staff via any Network Official on-line or through Email distribution.
  2. For any infraction of this charter, whether intentional or unintentional, successful or merely attempted, the above rights shall be suspended for the offending user by an appropriate Network Representative, provided a warning is issued notifying the user in advance of any impending retribution.
    1. A Local Operator shall suspend a user's rights under section 2.1 as they pertain to that Local Operator's server only. The actions taken by a Local Operator are not binding on a user if that user moves to a server not within the jurisdiction of that Local Operator.
    2. A Network Official may suspend a users rights as shown in section 2.2 and do so without the advance warning described in the same section under any of the following conditions:
      1. The offending user poses a clear and immediate danger to the security and/or integrity of the server network and connections or to the network services. (such as unauthorized use of an O: line)
      2. The offending user is transmitting advertisements to large groups of users simultaneously (also called "mass messaging")
    3. Any suspension from the network (AKILL) extending for more than one (1) day shall require an explanatory message sent to the full body of Network Administrators, and, if practical, be discussed among any Network Officials present. This option is naturally precluded if no additional Network Officials are present.
    4. Any suspension from the network (AKILL) affecting an entire domain shall require an explanatory message sent to the full body of Network Administrators, and, if practical, be discussed among any Network Officials present. This option is naturally precluded if no additional Network Officials are present.
    5. A user (not as a Network Representative) who violates the rules of this charter in any way, including but not limited to the offenses listed in the following subsections, shall first be warned of the improper action, and then penalized by whatever method the acting Network Representative feels is appropriate.
      1. Cloning in excess of 3 identical connections
      2. Attempting to flood another user (must have clones)
      3. Deliberate and repeated exploitation of any software "bug" or error to cause malfunction either to a client or to the network itself.
      4. Evasion of an AKILL (provided that the user knowingly and willfully took action to make a connection to StarWars-IRC despite knowing that an AKILL is in effect. This includes use of alternate accounts, shells, and "friend's computers.") For a user to be punished for this offense, notification MUST have been given to them at the time of the issuance of the evaded AKILL as to the duration of the aforementioned AKILL.
      5. Advertising commercially (Solicitation. Certain instances allow a Network Representative to act without issuing a warning, as in section
      6. Non-commercial, mass messaging. (Certain instances allow an Network Representative to act without issuing a warning, as in section
    6. In the event that a domain owner is the offending user, the AKILL used may apply to the entire domain and still be treated within these rules as a non-domain AKILL. This overrides all other references to AKILL.


III.   Network Representatives

  1. Network Representatives should do their best to enforce all of StarWars-IRC written policies.
  2. Test Link Server Administrators are responsible for the server that they administer as well as the actions of their Network Representatives and Server Co-Admin.
  3. Test Link Server Administrators and Test Link Network Representatives should not use any operator power or privilege, except that which is local to their own server and when using that local power, they should do their best to not conflict with any of StarWars-IRC's written policies.
  4. Network Officials (except Officials on Test Link servers), have the right to cast one vote (per issue) according to StarWars-IRC's Standard Voting Procedure (See Section VI).
  5. O: line flags
    1. The ^ flag, which allows a user to use +I, is not permitted to be used in ANY Operator's flag. This includes Network Administrators and even the Network Founder.
    2. The following flags are permitted on all Local o: lines: ozHW (the "o" flag includes rhgwlckbBnuf)
    3. The following flags are permitted on all Global O: lines: OzHWeGLY (the "O" flag includes oRDK)
    4. The following flag is permitted on all Server Co-Admin O: lines: OzHWeGLYC
    5. The following flag is permitted on all Server Admin O: lines: OzHWeGLYA
    6. The following flag is permitted on all Network Admin O: lines: OzHWeGLYNA
    7. The following flag is permitted on all Services Admin O: lines: a
    8. The "T" O:line flag will be granted for use by the Network Founder and only for a predetermined amount of time.
  6. Enforcement of Section 3.5
    1. All Network Representatives are allowed to execute a /stats O command on any other server at their discretion and analyze the resulting data for breaches of this policy.
    2. If breaches are found, the Network Representative in question is to immediately notify the Network Administrators of their findings at which point the Network Administrators will decide on the appropriate action to be taken.
  7. Network Administrators
    1. Applications to be a Network Administrator will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    2. A majority vote by the existing Network Administrators is required to approve the addition of a new Network Administrator.
    3. A two-thirds majority (66.66%) vote by the existing Network Administrators or an executive decision by the Network Founder is required to remove an existing Network Administrator.


IV.   Services

  1. Services are provided by StarWars-IRC.
    1. A user registering a channel through the StarWars-IRC Channel Service will become the owner of that channel.
      1. Only One (1) owner is permitted per channel.
      2. Owner privileges may be transferred, provided the total number of owners in the channel does not exceed One (1).
      3. An owner has full authority to make use of whatever powers are available to him/her within that channel without regard to the wishes of any other person, provided it does not conflict with this charter or any other StarWars-IRC regulations.
    2. Services Operators will not be permitted to use special access to channel services except in the following situation:
      1. If the Services Operator is making changes to the settings of a specific channel with the permission of the channel owner.
    3. Channel Services Support shall not be extended to any channel matching any of the following criteria:
      1. Channels involving activities that are deemed to be illegal at any geographic location in which a StarWars-IRC Permanent Server is housed.
      2. Channels involving commercial advertisement or used primarily for the purpose of commercial advertisement.
      3. Channels containing pornographic material.
    4. Channels not visited by the owner or other type of person for a period of 30 days shall be removed from registration unless prior arrangement has been made between the channel owner and a Services Administrator.
    5. Channels in violation of StarWars-IRC Network Policy
      1. Will be notified that they are violating the policy and have one (1) week after this notification to correct the violation.
      2. After this time period has been reached, a Services Administrator will correct the violation for the channel owner.
      3. If the channel owner reinstates the violation after this process, the channel will be permanently removed from the network, until a more suitable owner becomes available.
  2. Help Services / Help Channel
    1. All Network Officials are required to be available for help for a reasonable amount of time.
      1. Test Link Services Operators may not use their privileges to operate a service, even to help a user or to protect a users rights under section 2.1, until that Services Operator has received authorization from an administrator of the aforementioned service, in which case the Service Administrator shall outline specific conditions of usage which must be followed. (Subject to the overriding conditions in section 3.4.2. and all subsections therein)
    2. Local Operators are only required to be available to assist their admin as directed by that admin, provided they are not ever acting in contravention with Section 3.
    3. Users can obtain help from Services Administrators and Services Operators in the Help Channel, #Services, the location of which must be posted in a public and conspicuous manner. Servers shall announce the Help Channel within the MOTD.
  3. Specific command prohibitions with services:
    1. The use of the getpass command is no longer allowed in any circumstance. Services Administrators caught using this command will have their Services Administrator status removed for one (1) week, and a recurrence of the action will result in the permanent removal of his or her administrative access to services.
    2. The use of the SOP command to add or remove Services Operators is only allowed to be used by Services Administrators in the following conditions:
      1. A Network Official has recently been appointed, and therefore will need Services Operator Status (All Network Officials automatically receive this status).
      2. A Network Official has recently been removed from the network, and therefore requires his or her Services Operator Status to be removed.
      3. A Services Operator has been determined to have abused his or her status as such by a majority of Network Officials or Network Administrators and requires his or her Services Operator Status to be removed.
  4. Services Administrators
    1. Applications to become a Services Administrator will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    2. A majority vote by the existing Services Administrators is required to approve the addition of a new Services Administrator.
    3. A two-thirds majority (66.66%) vote by the existing Services Administrators or an executive decision by the Services Root Admin is required to remove an existing Services Administrator.


V.   Modifications to StarWars-IRC Policies.

  1. All changes to the written policies of StarWars-IRC must be conducted in the following steps.
    1. A Network Official shall propose the change to be made. Only two votes can be made on this type of vote, either YES to accept the changes, or NO to reject the changes.
    2. A majority of three fifths (60%) YES votes by all Network Officials is required for the changes to be accepted and implemented. The voting will be closed once the three fifths has been reached, or when ninety-six (96) hours have passed. Failure to compile the required amounts of votes shall result in no action being taken to modify the written rules of StarWars-IRC.
    3. No Person shall be entitled to more than one (1) vote under any circumstances. No person may vote for any other person, even in the absence of that other person. All votes must be submitted in the same medium.
  2. Amendments to this document shall be considered alterations and modifications in section 5.1. and be treated accordingly.
  3. No action may be penalized unless it in some way contravenes the regulations set forth by StarWars-IRC at the time of the incident.


VI.   Standard Voting Procedure for Network Officials

  1. How to call a vote
    1. Begin the vote process by calling for a discussion with an email to
      1. Put your issue in the Subject: field.
      2. Include the phrase "Call for Discussion" as the first line of the body of the email.
      3. NOTE: A Call for Discussion is also considered the "hearing" in the event that the vote is regarding the removal of a Network Official.
      4. If the Call for Discussion is considered a hearing, as determined in Section, then the Network Official in question will have his or her special privileges suspended at the discretion of the Network Founder prior to the actual vote.
    2. Allow at least 48 hours for discussion on
    3. At the end of the discussion period, you may call for a vote on the issue by sending an email to
      1. Put the same "issue" in the Subject: field.
      2. Include the phrase "Call for Vote" as the first line of the body of the email.
      3. Present your issue clearly as a yes or no question. Send your own vote and/or comments in a separate email.
    4. The voting period is 72 hours, (unless otherwise specified), and begins when any other Network Official seconds your Call for Vote.
    5. Some situations that are dependent on time may warrant skipping a Call for Discussion. The decision to skip the Call for Discussion can be made by the Network Official initiating the vote.
  1. How to cast your vote

1.      If you want to second a Call For Vote, put "I second that Call for Vote" in the first line and send it to opers@.

2.      After a Call for Vote has been seconded, follow these guidelines:

      1. Use the email reply button so the voting issue will remain in the Subject: field.
      2. Edit the To: field to read
      3. In the first line of the body of your email put:
        1. "I vote yes." OR "I vote no."
      4. Put any comments at the bottom so as not to obscure your yes or no vote.
  1. Network Founder's Role in the voting process

1.      The Network Founder retains the right to veto any matter that his been called to a vote. This veto cannot be overruled.


VII.   Standard Voting Procedure for Network Administrators

1.   The same procedure outlined in Section VI will be used, except the list name will be


VIII.   Official Network Channels

1.      The Network Founder regulates all Official Network Channels.

2.      #StarWars-IRC

1.      This is the Network Admin/Oper Assistance Channel.

2.      User Policies

1.      All Network Officials are required to be in this channel when on StarWars-IRC.

2.      When opered (meaning you have executed the /oper command), you are required to have channel operator status in #StarWars-IRC.

3.      If you are not opered, you may not have channel operator status in #StarWars-IRC.

4.      If you are away it is strongly suggested you designate so by using the /away command and changing your nick to indicate this status. This is NOT, however, a requirement.

3.      Channel Polices

1.      This channel is intended to help users. Channel operators should discourage general conversation if a user is being helped in the channel.

2.      Only Network Officials are allowed to have channel operator status. No other users will ever be permitted to have this status.

3.      Half-ops may be granted at the channel owner's discretion.

4.      The channel modes for #StarWars-IRC are +CHnrStl <current year>. These modes should never be changed.

5.      The topic will always be "StarWars-IRC Admin/Oper Assistance Channel | <modifiable news item(s) here>"

3.   #Services

1.   This is the Services Assistance Channel.

2.   User Policies

1.   All Services Administrators are required to be in this channel when on StarWars-IRC.

2.   Channel operator status in #Services is not enforced. You may be opped if so desired.

3.   If you are away it is strongly suggested you designate so by using the /away command and changing your nick to indicate this status. This is NOT, however, a requirement.

3.   Channel Policies

1.   This channel is also intended to help users. Channel operators should discourage general conversation if a user being helped at that point in time.

2.   Only Services Administrators will have channel operator status in #Services.

3.   Only Services Operators will be permitted to have Half-Ops in #Services.

4.   The topic will always be "StarWars-IRC Services <<>> Services Assistance Channel (for help with NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, and HelpServ). Website at"

5.   The channel modes of #Services are +nrt. These modes should never be changed.

4.   #Mos_Eisley

1.   This is the General Chat Channel for StarWars-IRC.

2.   User Policies

1.   No Network Officials are required to be in this channel.

2.   Nobody is allowed to have any status in the channel other than a normal user (no channel operators, no channel half-ops, etc.)

3.   Channel Policies

1.   In the event that a user is continually abusive or annoying to a majority of the users currently in the channel, Network Officials are permitted to use IRC Operator commands to kick and/or ban the user from the channel. This is to be done WITHOUT ever setting channel mode +o on yourself.

2.   The channel modes for #Mos_Eisley are +nrt. These modes should never be changed

3.   The topic will always be "StarWars-IRC Cantina | The biggest little network in a galaxy far, far away."

5.   #Opers

1.   This is the location where all Network Meetings will be held when called.

2.   User Policies

1.   Only Network Officials are allowed in this channel.

2.   Everyone in the channel is welcome to be a channel operator, or whatever.

3.   Channel Policies

1.   The channel modes for #Opers are +ChnOQst. These modes should never be changed.

2.   The topic is irrelevant, and can be set by whomever whenever.